Friday, 13 July 2012

How to remove decimal point by code in Crystal Report

To remove decimal value in Crystal Report, you can use below said formula.


Convert the field type to text at report level.

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Bug in Blogger, Blogspot by Google

Bug in Blogger, I am facing the below said issue in blogger page. When you select multiple posts & click on revert to draft, below said message appears & system not allows user to go further. As alternate solution, you can select one by one post and do your process.

We're sorry, but we were unable to complete your request.
When reporting this error to Blogger Support or on the Blogger Help Group, please:
  • Describe what you were doing when you got this error.
  • Provide the following error code.
This information will help us to track down your specific problem and fix it! We apologise for the inconvenience.

How to Install C++ on 64 bit Windows 7 Operating System

Dear All,
We are facing some issue(s) due to technology, like Operating System of 32 bit & 64 bit. Here I am writing about how to install C++ Programming Language on Windows 7 Operating System with 64 bit. Please follow below steps to do so;

1. Download & Install DOSBox via Web. The link provided here
2. Create one folder in Drive C:\ with the name of "Turbo".
3. Download C++ Programming Language setup files via Web. There are numbers of sites offering the setup files. Copy all downloaded files into previously created folder called "Turbo" in drive C (as above example).
4. Run the DOSBox software from your system. below said screen will be displayed while executing the software.

5. Next screen will be displayed in continues fashion with this process.
6. Type the following command in opened Command Prompt "mount d c:\Turbo\" (remove comma). You will see the message appears at time of hitting enter as reply of above command. The message will say "Drive D is mounted as a local directory c:\Turbo\"

7. Now type d: to access d: as shown below;
8. Introduce command one by one as shown below by hitting enter key on every command.
9. After hitting the last command, system will start Turbo C++ on windows 7 (64 bit).
10. You can maximize the screen. It is advisable to change directory location as per your need. Now, your system is ready to start programming.

The above said steps needs to perform to start C++. One good feature is available to assign this task to system. So, system will perform this operation on behalf of you. For this, follow bellow said step;

1. Go to start menu of your operating system & navigate to DOSBox 0.74 Options. One notepad file will be open.
2. Type below said command into the opened text file. Here, I highlighted the text which needs to be entered & saved the text file.

On further, you just need to open DOSBox executable file to run C++.

Increase in Penalty/Ticket and Commission to Cops

For Particular in India, people thinks that the most corrupted department is Home Department (police/cop). This statement is due to publishing authorized material by media. Many times people have seen kind of videos, read articles etc are due to the major participation of media to communicate to the people. Some times sting operations also have been published in front of the people as breaking news. By observing these kind of activities, people thinks almost all cops are corrupt.

I want to say one example, the most commonly corruption footage would be avail at traffic signal. In India, there may be 4-5 cops working on each traffic signal as a part of their duty. If someone breaks the traffic rule, these guys have to punished them by charging penalty as per government rule. But these cops most of the times don't do entry in their register even after charging penalty and collecting the money. The income of that particular transactions, they doesn't show on record & its off the record which turns in to black money of their personal income. For example, the penalty of not wearing helmet while driving is about Rs. 50/- but the cop charge about Rs. 20-30 to the person who breaks this rule. This amount goes into his/her pocket as black money. These penalty charges are nominal compare to the income of that person now a days. So, the fellow who breaking the rules will continue the same due to affordable penalty charges.

I want to share one idea on this topic, which is as follows;

The penalty charges should be increased to the mark. it should be directly related to the income of that person like percentage of the income. It would be good if government official declare the commission (in percentage) of the revenue collected by cop. So, cops get additional income due to commission while on duty. This commission type of business is avail in most of the industries now a days.

For example,

in continue of the above example of "Not wearing the Helmet while driving", if the penalty charge increase to the minimum Rs. 1000/-. Cops collects the Rs.1000/- from the person who breaks this rule and submit to the government. Government pays him/her Rs. 250/- as commission to cops (total collected income) & remaining Rs. 750/- as per current revenue of government. By this kind of exercise, there might be some benefits like people obey traffic rules, cops records all transactions to the inward register, cops gets side income. And due to official income as commission, the mentality of "Personal Income" goes down. Corruption rate goes down.

Look forwarding your valued inputs on this idea.

Vehicle Registration No. point to Person instead of Vehicle

Registration process is mandatory for new vehicle. Existing system is designed to point this number to the registered vehicle. But if this registered number is point to person instead of Vehicle then this individual can have same Number for all vehicles related to him/her. There will be no more documentation for new vehicle. For this numbering policy, system should use UID of that individual. This number becomes unique. If s/he sell vehicle, buyer will use his/her number. Centralized data base can help for this process. Buyer or Seller can provide information via online registration for buy or sell.
Look forwarding for valued inputs…

Incoming Call info from Service Provider on Mobile Phones

We answer the incoming calls on mobile phones. If you count about the number of important calls, there may be less. Many times we have to answers unnecessary calls from unknown numbers. They might be from Service Providers for new schemes, Insurance Companies, Banks for credit card etc. We are answering because we don’t have any idea who is calling due to unknown number. But if system generates the information about the caller from the database, that will be good for all to know identity of caller. From this information, user can decide to answer or not. It is mandatory for all SIM users to get registered their names. So, System can use this info to display on screen. Sometimes what happen, your phone rings while driving vehicle & you answer by press on green button on keypad and that time you meet with an accident, and afterwards you got an idea about the call which was from insurance company. Funny moment. Sometimes we forget to save unknown number. If there is more than one talk at a same time on different phones, we forget that to whom we talking. Due to this idea, user doesn’t need to save contact info, no need to think who is calling, no need to pause talk other activities, no need to save contact info. Service Provider provides this facility. I think this will be good facility if service provider more focus on this instead of caller tunes, Daily Horoscope etc.
Look forwarding for valued inputs…

How to access Docomo GSM Voice SIM Card into Internet Device to use GRPS Data

Dear All,

I am sharing you one trick about how to use GPRS data through Internet Device. You can use GPRS data into Internet modem Device. I tried on TATA Docomo 3G device with GSM Data card. For this, follow the instructions listed below;

1. Internet Device Modem
2. GSM SIM Card with GPRS activated.

Step 1 - Insert GSM SIM Card into Device by removing the existing SIM Card. now connect this device to your Computer via USB port.

Step 2 - Open Dashboard of Modem. Go to Tools > Options > Profile Management.

Step 3 - Create new profile. Select static APN and type the APN name to " TATA.DOCOMO.INTERNET" without comma & set it to default.

Now close this User Interface by pressing on Apply & Ok buttons. Click on Connect with the reference of selection of new created profile. Enjoy GPRS internet connectivity on high speed modem at the rate of normal GPRS tariff.

Online Booking via Web for GSRTC

I am sharing my experience with the online booking facility provided by GSRTC (Gujarat State Road  Transport Corporation). Day before the day I am writing this post, I booked ticket from Baroda to Ahmedabad via web ( At Baroda station, there is formality to get seat in bus is like obvious first priority given to reserved seat. For non reserved seat(s), passenger(s) must stand in queue to get seat. The things moving as written above.

Bus was arrived at departure location before the time & about 30 minutes before from the time of departure. Conductor came out from Bus & announced about reserved seat numbers. Now, everyone aware about reserved seat numbers. One guy who was also standing in queue, he thoughts to book ticket via web as he got some idea that there was less possibility for him to get seat. He opened his smartphone & booked ticket. he didn't inform conductor who conducting passengers. One fellow who was standing in queue at higher position got the seat as nobody was aware about those numbers were booked after the reservation chart prepared & handover to conductor. That guy fought with conductor as well as also with that fellow. This event happened about 20 minutes. After some times, both compromised & traveled in sharing the seat together.

I have one idea to avoid such kind of situation. System should prevent online booking after reservation chart prepared. Also few seats should be free, i mean to say only few seats should be in reserved category. So, people should not worry about getting seat in bus. They can easily knows whether s/he will get the seat or not. This will be good in decision taking about to stay there or search for other option for travelling.

Let's have your comments on this topic

How to display currency in Indian Format & In words too, using formula in Crystal Report

The headache is to display currency/number in Indian format while using Foreign English language. Now you don't need to suffer from this headache. You can display the currency in Indian Format by using below said code. There are two formula written over here; one is for figure & second one is for words.

Write below said formula in formula editor field with proper field name. Here, I used "{@FieldName}  ; ", you have to replaced the actual name with this one.

//You can use below said code to your report part;

CStr({@FieldName}, "##,##,##,###.##")

//To write in words, use below said code;

numbervar RmVal:=0;
numbervar Amt:=0;
numbervar pAmt:=0;
stringvar InWords :="Rupees ";

Amt := {@FieldName}  ;

if Amt > 10000000 then RmVal := truncate(Amt/10000000);
if Amt = 10000000 then RmVal := 1;

   if RmVal = 1 then
        InWords := InWords + " " + towords(RmVal,0) + " crore"
        if RmVal > 1 then InWords := InWords + " " + towords(RmVal,0) + " crores";

    Amt := Amt - Rmval * 10000000;

    if Amt > 100000 then RmVal := truncate(Amt/100000);
    if Amt = 100000 then RmVal := 1;

    if RmVal = 1 then
        InWords := InWords + " " + towords(RmVal,0) + " lakhs"
        If RmVal > 1 then InWords := InWords + " " + ToWords(RmVal,0) + " Lakhs";

        Amt := Amt - Rmval * 100000;

        if Amt > 0 then InWords := InWords + " " + towords(truncate(Amt),0);

        pAmt := (Amt - truncate(Amt)) * 100;

        if pAmt > 0 then
            InWords := InWords + " and " + towords(pAmt,0) + " paisa only"
            InWords := InWords + " only";


How to install SAP in PC : 7.01 SR1 SP3 Developer Edition

How to install SAP in PC : 7.01 SR1 SP3 Developer Edition

Components :
·  SAP NetWeaver 7.01 ABAP Application Server
·  MaxDB 7.7 database with MaxDB Database Manager and SQL Studio
·  Compact SAP GUI for Windows 7.10 Compilation 2

System Requirements
·  Operating System:
Windows XP Professional ( > Service Pack 2) or Windows Server 2003 or Windows Vista (Note: Your operating system platform must be 32-bit.) If you have a 64 bit OS then you need to install a virtual machine on the top of your OS. SAP doesn’t support 64 bit OS.
·  Hostname must not exceed 13 characters
·  NTFS-File system
·  Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher or Firefox 1.0 or higher
·  At least 1 GB RAM (recommended 2-8 GB)
·  Pagefile size according to your RAM settings.
·  Intel Pentium III/1.1 GHz or higher (or compatible)
·  30 GB hard disk space temporary during installation – 22 GB permanent
·  High-resolution monitor (1024×768 or higher, 256 colors)
·  Make sure that no other SAP system is installed on your computer

If your system fulfills the above requirement. Then follow the steps.

2.  Add the following entry in the host %WINDIR%\system32\drivers\etc\host
IP                          Hostname
Where X represents any number which you can use according to the availability.

3. The SAP system requires several ports for communication services. Therefore the file%WINDIR%\system32\drivers\etc\services must not include an entry for the ports 3200, 3600, 3900 and 8000.

4.If no DHCP server is available on your network (which dynamically determines the IP address) or yourcomputer is not connected to any network, you need to install the virtual interface adapter MS Loopback Adapter.

Now we are ready to begin with the installation.

Start the Installer in <extract_folder>\SAP_NetWeaver701SR1_2008_Installation_Master\ IM_WINDOWS_I386\sapinst.exe.
Choose “SAP Application Server ABAP” –> MaxDB –> Central System –> “Central System”.

Select Run a New Option. If you are creating instance for the first time then the Continue with the old option would not appear.

Agree and Click next

If you start sapinst the first time, you will be logged off your operating system and afterwards prompted for the installation directory of JRE 1.4.x. If you don’t have one then you can download it from Sun Oracle’s website.

For the time being you can skip this step and proceed

Set your SAP system’s Master password

NSPADM user password. This user gets created during installation.

This screen checks for the prerequisites. Some times it might show error even if you have satisfied all the prerequisites in such case you can choose cancel and continue.

Follow the instructions and provide the necessary input in the sapinst dialog wizard.
Once you define your parameters and check them in the Summary. You will get a screen as below. Here it will take around 4-5 hours for installing. So you can take a nice nap while it gets installs

Once you are done. You are now one step away from logging into your new SAP system.
Now we need to install SAP GUI from where we can login to our SAP system
The installer is included in the same download and available in <extract_folder>\SAPGUI710C3

·  Click on SAP_GUI_7.10_C3_Trial_2009217_1034.exe to start the installation process.
·  You can create a New Item with the following details:
·  Default client is “001″. This is the so called productive client, which should be used for daily work. Client 000 is for administrative tasks. Only use as experienced userThree users are prenstalled: BCUSER,DDIC and SAP*. The password for BCUSER is minisap. See also the logon screen when logging into the system.
·  Congratulations now your system is ready to be logged in.

Do not turn on A/C immediately after entering your car

Short key codes to access applications in windows operating systems

Sometimes its too cumbersome to open such applications in windows operating system by going through menu & also use of mouse. by using key strokes you can easily start the applications. Due to navigation of menu, some times user fed up. But now you can access those applications by just typing short codes in Run Command window. The short cut to start Run user interface, you can use keyboard short cut "Window+R" and type your desirable input in opened screen.
Here are codes written to access various applications... Enjoy Navigation...

To Access….Run Command
Accessibility Controls   access.cpl   
Accessibility Wizard   accwiz   
Add Hardware Wizard hdwwiz.cpl 
Add/Remove Programs appwiz.cpl 
Administrative Tools control admintools 
Adobe Acrobat (if installed)   acrobat   
Adobe Designer (if installed)   acrodist   
Adobe Distiller (if installed)   acrodist   
Adobe ImageReady (if installed)   imageready   
Adobe Photoshop (if installed)   photoshop   
Automatic Updates wuaucpl.cpl 
Bluetooth Transfer Wizard fsquirt 
Calculator calc 
Certificate Manager certmgr.msc 
Character Map charmap 
Check Disk Utility chkdsk 
Clipboard Viewer clipbrd 
Command Prompt cmd 
Component Services dcomcnfg 
Computer Management compmgmt.msc 
Control Panel   control   
Date and Time Properties timedate.cpl 
DDE Shares ddeshare 
Device Manager devmgmt.msc 
Direct X Control Panel (If Installed)* directx.cpl 
Direct X Troubleshooter dxdiag 
Disk Cleanup Utility cleanmgr 
Disk Defragment dfrg.msc 
Disk Management diskmgmt.msc 
Disk Partition Manager diskpart 
Display Properties control desktop 
Display Properties desk.cpl 
Display Properties (w/Appearance Tab Preselected) control color 
Dr. Watson System Troubleshooting Utility drwtsn32 
Driver Verifier Utility verifier 
Event Viewer eventvwr.msc 
Files and Settings Transfer Tool   migwiz   
File Signature Verification Tool sigverif 
Findfast findfast.cpl 
Firefox (if installed)   firefox   
Folders Properties control folders 
Fonts control fonts 
Fonts Folder fonts 
Free Cell Card Game freecell 
Game Controllers joy.cpl 
Group Policy Editor (XP Prof) gpedit.msc 
Hearts Card Game mshearts 
Help and Support   helpctr   
HyperTerminal   hypertrm   
Iexpress Wizard iexpress 
Indexing Service ciadv.msc 
Internet Connection Wizard   icwconn1   
Internet Explorer   iexplore   
Internet Properties inetcpl.cpl 
Internet Setup Wizard   inetwiz   
IP Configuration (Display Connection Configuration) ipconfig /all 
IP Configuration (Display DNS Cache Contents) ipconfig /displaydns 
IP Configuration (Delete DNS Cache Contents) ipconfig /flushdns 
IP Configuration (Release All Connections) ipconfig /release 
IP Configuration (Renew All Connections) ipconfig /renew 
IP Configuration (Refreshes DHCP & Re-Registers DNS) ipconfig /registerdns 
IP Configuration (Display DHCP Class ID) ipconfig /showclassid 
IP Configuration (Modifies DHCP Class ID) ipconfig /setclassid 
Java Control Panel (If Installed) jpicpl32.cpl 
Java Control Panel (If Installed) javaws 
Keyboard Properties control keyboard 
Local Security Settings secpol.msc 
Local Users and Groups lusrmgr.msc 
Logs You Out Of Windows logoff 
Malicious Software Removal Tool   mrt   
Microsoft Access (if installed)   access.cpl   
Microsoft Chat winchat 
Microsoft Excel (if installed)   excel   
Microsoft Frontpage (if installed)   frontpg   
Microsoft Movie Maker   moviemk   
Microsoft Paint   mspaint   
Microsoft Powerpoint (if installed)   powerpnt   
Microsoft Word (if installed)   winword   
Microsoft Syncronization Tool   mobsync   
Minesweeper Game winmine 
Mouse Properties control mouse 
Mouse Properties main.cpl 
Nero (if installed)   nero   
Netmeeting   conf   
Network Connections control netconnections 
Network Connections ncpa.cpl 
Network Setup Wizard netsetup.cpl 
Notepad notepad 
Nview Desktop Manager (If Installed) nvtuicpl.cpl 
Object Packager packager 
ODBC Data Source Administrator odbccp32.cpl 
On Screen Keyboard osk 
Opens AC3 Filter (If Installed) ac3filter.cpl 
Outlook Express   msimn   
Paint   pbrush   
Password Properties password.cpl 
Performance Monitor perfmon.msc 
Performance Monitor perfmon 
Phone and Modem Options telephon.cpl 
Phone Dialer   dialer   
Pinball Game   pinball   
Power Configuration powercfg.cpl 
Printers and Faxes control printers 
Printers Folder printers 
Private Character Editor eudcedit 
Quicktime (If Installed) QuickTime.cpl 
Quicktime Player (if installed)   quicktimeplayer   
Real Player (if installed)   realplay   
Regional Settings intl.cpl 
Registry Editor regedit 
Registry Editor regedit32 
Remote Access Phonebook   rasphone   
Remote Desktop mstsc 
Removable Storage ntmsmgr.msc 
Removable Storage Operator Requests ntmsoprq.msc 
Resultant Set of Policy (XP Prof) rsop.msc 
Scanners and Cameras sticpl.cpl 
Scheduled Tasks control schedtasks 
Security Center wscui.cpl 
Services services.msc 
Shared Folders fsmgmt.msc 
Shuts Down Windows shutdown 
Sounds and Audio mmsys.cpl 
Spider Solitare Card Game spider 
SQL Client Configuration cliconfg 
System Configuration Editor sysedit 
System Configuration Utility msconfig 
System File Checker Utility (Scan Immediately) sfc /scannow 
System File Checker Utility (Scan Once At Next Boot) sfc /scanonce 
System File Checker Utility (Scan On Every Boot) sfc /scanboot 
System File Checker Utility (Return to Default Setting) sfc /revert 
System File Checker Utility (Purge File Cache) sfc /purgecache 
System File Checker Utility (Set Cache Size to size x) sfc /cachesize=x 
System Information   msinfo32   
System Properties sysdm.cpl 
Task Manager taskmgr 
TCP Tester   tcptest   
Telnet Client telnet 
Tweak UI (if installed)   tweakui   
User Account Management nusrmgr.cpl 
Utility Manager utilman 
Windows Address Book   wab   
Windows Address Book Import Utility   wabmig   
Windows Backup Utility (if installed)   ntbackup   
Windows Explorer   explorer   
Windows Firewall firewall.cpl 
Windows Magnifier magnify 
Windows Management Infrastructure wmimgmt.msc 
Windows Media Player   wmplayer   
Windows Messenger   msmsgs   
Windows Picture Import Wizard (need camera connected)   wiaacmgr   
Windows System Security Tool syskey 
Windows Update Launches wupdmgr 
Windows Version (to show which version of windows)   winver   
Windows XP Tour Wizard tourstart 
Wordpad write